Monday, February 25, 2008

Who Knew?

In the coolest piece of musical trivia I have heard in years, I now know where Lieutenant Lush ended up.

For some context, Malcolm McLaren, the mind behind the Sex Pistols, Adam Ant, (Vicious),and a host of punk and post punk music efforts, 'discovered' a 14 year old singer at a dry cleaners in London.

Convinced youth and energy were at the heart of rock n' roll, McLaren launched the band, called Bow Wow Wow. The album and tour had a pretty fluid song list, yet backed into the Top 50 on US charts with "I Want Candy", a cover song.

The original lineup of Bow Wow Wow had another singer: Lieutenant Lush, whose presence was seen as too distracting from the 14 year old phenom Annabella Lwin.

Hustled out of the band as they broke out, Lt. Lush went on to form a band who went on to sell far more records than Bow ever hoped to.

That Lieutenant became Boy George, of Culture Club.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Conservative Grease

The Librano's seem to have taken over the Conservatives, if not in name, at least in spirit.

800 of them to be precise.

Way to go PMSH. Fill those holes with grease...thank heavens things are being done differently now...



Given the usual 'man left in hospital hallway for 3 days' stories, Britain has been using ambulances to stow patients - to avoid triggering wait time guarantees. Sound familiar? Here is a good rundown.

This will never surprise me.

Because price is the only signal that permits a market mechanism to work.

In a price controlled, service rationed environ, there is no signal to expand or contract supply.
Combine this with two immutable truths: people are rational economic beings who operate in their own best interests, and, blind adherence to ideology kills people.

And that ideology will always lead to this very outcome.

The puss-i-fication of Canada began as the victim culture expanded to include everyone being a victim of circumstance beyond their control. Whether apologizing to aggrieved persons for things that happened decades, or centuries ago, this action reinforces the notion that we are not personally responsible for our own selves.

Thus...'please government! make it better for me!' expands into every corner of our lives, reducing choice, limiting personal growth, and denying the individual self determination by using choice.

Politicians get along with this perfectly well, because it is on their own self interest to have dependants, and expanding budgets. Little they do is aligned to improve the nation or its' people - their actions are to build a new (dependant) constituency.

Because, at it's bottom, a politician without a budget is nothing.

It ain't the Cons, Libs, or Moonbats that will save and inspire a nation. It is its' people. And ours have been fed the pablum for decades. We are doomed to mediocrity, and to remain an indecisive socialist backwater forever more.
Despite the platitudes and bull that comes from politicians, they'll screw you in a heartbeat if it is in their self interest.

Give up hope. Canada is cooked. And as your aging, loved ones get substandard - even criminally negligent care - take comfort in your heart that the single payor will not change, except for those wealthy enough to make it happen.

Whether the Friends of CBC, the Friends of Medicare, and the countless leftists working diligently in the regional health boards, city halls, and school boards, these ghouls will ensure your freedom is diminished, your hopes dashed, and the system will tithe itself enough cash to stay viable, and maintain continuity. Because, these people have nowhere else to go, they are the tape worm within the animal.

Whether health, multi-culturalism, post secondary education, civil service, etc., we have paid the price for emulating the 19th century English post industrial revolution doctrine of the left. A communism cloaked in egality.

The ultimate price paid by a nation that did not seek and achieve a revolution. And we will forever pay for not declaring ourselves a 'free' people. Think of that next time you pay fealty to our foreign monarch.


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A Spring Election?

More speculation in the press than ever on a spring election, and I've been asked what I think.

It won't happen.

Dion's emasculated, but the Tories are running on empty. No legislative agenda, nothing. Just billions getting poured out to well-connected business, some very marginal tax cuts (despite billions in surplus - and billions to come), a muddled and dumbed down environmental plan that completely accepts anthropogenic climate change, and more than $1.5 billion in program spending on biofuels - an energy form that increase emissions, and will transfer fuel price volatility into the food sector.

Now, the Libranos were/are crap in policy. Mainly of the victim culture/make a dependent vein.

How exactly does the CPC agenda differ? If it were Libranos in government versus the Tories during the past two years: the answer is none.

With the sole exception of Afghanistan and the Wheat Board, nothing is much different...whoop...sorry - even those remain the very same.

On the other side, even the Libranos could not have pulled off the national child care policy - that was too wonky even for them.

But after all, nothing is really different after 2 years of our kleptocrats versus their kleptocrats. And the longer it goes, the more Flaherty Contracting Practices will emerge.

Nope - the only thing that will trigger an election will be the Librano's desire to get rid of Citoyen Dion - and this budget will likely be mush - nothing to jump through the hoop for.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Name Calling

An active and ongoing debate clings to issues like freedom of speech. The arguments on either side are of the 'you're either for us or agin' us' type.

This is a look into the guts of it all.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Some songs are written and sung, only to be far better known by a cover version.

Written in 1930 by a man whose life was far too brief, 'Blue Yodel #8' was a hit in 1939, and sung by everyone from Merle Haggard & Woodie Guthrie, to Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead.

But this one single version has defined how every artist has approached it since the it was recorded.

There's a reason why Porter grabbed on to this lady, and didn't let go until the police were called.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Climbing The Shit Rope

Liberal MP Robert Thibault (West Nova, N.S.) sits on the Ethics Committee, was asked by The Hill Times about Pablo Rodriguez' honesty.

The story here is not politicians lying: honesty is hardly expected from people whose ambition exceeds their talent.

The interesting part is from Thibault, in response to a question about Pablo: "I can´t see what he´d apologize for. I get suggestions from many sources on questions to ask. At the end of the day, the decision is up to the members of which question to ask, but many members of the media have given me questions, some in writing, some verbally suggested."

So, this genius can't be bothered to understand the topic in front of the Committee, and figure out what he might want to ask?

How long has special interest been feeding the Parlimentary process? And who are they?

Maybe it's really seen as nothing - because all politicians get fed by someone...

On the Road to Irrelevance

Not content to be a simple advocate, Suzuki comes forward to demonstrate how little he really matters.

While I agree with alot of his points - his words reflect a deep misunderstanding of mankind itself. And his appeal to a utopian vision of humans and bunny rabbits playing peacefully in a pristine forest, is simply misanthropic.

Above all, it seems like sweeping commentary - across sociology, ecology, pschycology, and economics - from a guy who has a PhD focused upon the private parts of fruit flies.

Suzuki presents a dreamlike state which would require decades of structural changes to the economy, and demand change to taxation, laws, and extensive regulation and transformation of the monetary system to create.

To do any of this any sooner would likely bring sweeping change and impact upon Canadians, while we watch China & India continue on their unsustainable path ('eco' means 'home' friends).

I wonder if this Marxist actually understands the implications of what he is saying, or just doesn't care. From the quiet comforts of academia, one can pretty much say anything.

And while Suzuki advocates an appeal to science, he has demonstrated the selective hearing of a zealot when it comes to science that dares to contradict him.

The man is irrelevant.

An Environmental Top 10

Here is a really good piece that says all of the things that politicians and policy makers don't say in public.

You'll find a lot of ideas get much farther than they should, due to a well placed lobbyist, and consistent political donations to the right individual in government, than if it just a good idea.