Monday, January 14, 2008


But not for everyone. David Blaine has him featured on his website.

Now, I'm a fan of good illusions. And in my humble opinion, David Blaine is the best performance artist of the past 25 years.

I went to a David Blaine thing a year or two back, and I missed the man by minutes.

Getting there late, I met a guy tearing down the setup. A fella, one Louis Garbayo laid a card on me, thanking me for traveling so far to be disappointed. The event was pretty much a bust, depending upon who is talking.

He suggested I stay in touch - that maybe - David and his team could make it worth my travail somewhere down the road.

I see on Blaine's site he's got something coming in May.

I have some holiday time that could come in handy, and a very cool business card and email address I'll hope will connect me to the event.

To watch Mr. Brown's work, you'll need a pair of headphones, and a dark room.

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