Despite all of the bull that the CPC has put out on the concept of personal freedom and responsibility (eg.: a non-intrusive nanny-state, ala conservative policy), it's a shame to see the health minister Tony Clement, waste $64 million on a drug policy that is mainly mis-information , while pandering to big pharma.
Worse, his article in the National Post establishing the reasons for the policy include the ever-so-liberal statement: "In the absence of clear advice from government, young people often receive their information from the worst sources:....."
Curiously, no parents, teachers, or responsible peers exist in this world of government.
This is how national policy gets made: by pandering to votes from a bunch of passing puritans from the 905.
This is how national policy gets made: by pandering to votes from a bunch of passing puritans from the 905.
Way to go Ontario - you set the national agenda. Again. And again.
And please government, give me a clear message so I'll know what to type next. I am so very lost without you.
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