Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Low Cost Speechwriting

'Staying on message' is a rule for any organization seeking to communicate with the outside world. And the cardinal rule is never, ever, get off that message.

The most successful politicians are very good at this - and stay on 'it' despite distraction. If presented with unwavering conviction and supportive news coverage (or lack of), an effective communicator could convince many that the world is, in fact, flat.

What the new media has shown - like the blog you're reading - is that the medium for messaging is shifting.

But the elegance of the new media is that broad consensus is not earned as easily - and that critical mass of opinion can form quickly, and outside of message control .

This story about my MP on copyright legislation is a good case in point.

Prentice's duck and cover reveals he's inept.

And I would hope this is simply because he's 'outside of his expertise'. But when he was immersed in his 'expertise' at Indian Affairs, he was proven to be of his league there too.

And now, what about the message from the government on the new legislation? It doesn't change.

"Today, Canada's Conservative Government is introducing laws to modernize and equip the country with legislation governing intellectual property, for the benefit of all Canadians...."

No matter what the legislation is actually going to do.

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