Monday, February 4, 2008

Climbing The Shit Rope

Liberal MP Robert Thibault (West Nova, N.S.) sits on the Ethics Committee, was asked by The Hill Times about Pablo Rodriguez' honesty.

The story here is not politicians lying: honesty is hardly expected from people whose ambition exceeds their talent.

The interesting part is from Thibault, in response to a question about Pablo: "I can´t see what he´d apologize for. I get suggestions from many sources on questions to ask. At the end of the day, the decision is up to the members of which question to ask, but many members of the media have given me questions, some in writing, some verbally suggested."

So, this genius can't be bothered to understand the topic in front of the Committee, and figure out what he might want to ask?

How long has special interest been feeding the Parlimentary process? And who are they?

Maybe it's really seen as nothing - because all politicians get fed by someone...

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