Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Head Fake

Canada's New Government looks more like Canada's Old Government everyday, happily doling out billions of taxpayer cash to every corporate welfare case who has a connected lobbyist, and a hat in their hand.

And Canada's New Government is now getting better at the 'ol one-two punch of communications strategy: the head fake.

Here, our Prime Minister assures a broad audience that no, the Conservatives are different when it comes to doling out pork to industry, but in the very same week, a story with less national coverage is put to more focused group - the panhandlers themselves.

At first pass, the partisan will have their belief reinforced that yes, Conservatives are different than Liberals: they live to the ideals they purport. While on the side, they're whispering to the locals that the first announcement is not really what they meant.

And presents us with a bald faced lie that Canada's Old Government did so much of.

Always on your dime.

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